How To Get Guaranteed Targeted Traffic

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Targeted Website Traffic


Without Traffic, you have no business online.  Guaranteed Targeted Traffic is very important for the success of any blogger or any online business. There is a huge number of traffic sources that can drive readers to your site.


What is the source of targeted traffic?


Targeted traffic is high-quality traffic that not only boosts revenue but also improves your brand and online reputation.

You and your website will eventually be regarded as an authoritative and trustworthy source of information in your chosen field thanks to this level of trust from your target audience. If any of the lists below resonates with you, focus totally on it to achieve your goal.


Guaranteed Targeted Traffic


Here is a list of 37 guaranteed targeted traffic methods for your blog:


  1. Write quality content. This is the most important part of your blog.  Quality rather than quantity. Then pin in on Pinterest and watch the traffic flow to your blog.


  1. Commenting on other blogs: Commenting helps you create free back-links that improve your blog branding. Don’t just do random commenting,  say something useful to help the readers.


  1. Guest post on other blogs. The guest post helps you build back-links and credibility.


  1. Optimize your blog for search engines. On the page, SEO is very important for search engines. Learn how to do it or outsource it to an expert.


Targeted Traffic


  1. Participate in forums that relate to your niche and always make sure your blog signature is linked back to your blog.


  1. Write List posts.: List post is great with the search engines.  The “Top 21” or the “Best 13” works well especially if it has been researched properly.


  1. Write about how to drive traffic to the blog: Every blog needs traffic to make money. A strategy that works will always help your readers.


  1. Build your mailing list: The email list is the real estate of your blogging business. By creating a targeted email list, you’re creating a money-making machine.


  1. Pinterest communities don’t undervalue the potential of this traffic source. If done correctly Pinterest will become your number 1 traffic source for targeted traffic.


  1. Join bloggers clubs such as Tailwind and get your Pinterest pins re-share and promoted by others with the same interest. This strategy can send you a huge number of web traffic to your site.


Guaranteed Targeted Visitors

Free-Photos / Pixabay


  1. Blog Pinging: It is a good idea to ping your blog post whenever a new blog is written. Ping O Matic is a great service that updates different search engines.


  1. Start a Contest: Start a giveaway or blog contest and get targeted subscribers.


  1. Create videos related to your niche and curate it on YouTube. Link back to your website.


  1. Submit your blog to feed directories – they specialize in the distribution of your blog posts to many websites to help you increase your blog traffic.


  1. Write a press release about your blog and submit it to free press release websites.


  1. Google AdWords is great for targeted traffic, but it is not free. You may want to hold out until your blog starts making money.  However, if you want traffic now, Google AdWords is for you.


  1. Facebook Ads can be had for as little as $1 to $5 a day. You can A/B test to see what is working before committing to long-term strategy and more expenditure.  Expert an ROI of $3 for every $1 spent.


Guaranteed Targeted Traffic


  1. You can advertise your blog in your local newspaper.


  1. You can create a leaflet about your blog and leaflet drop it in your local town.


  1. You can create a Twitter account, to get followers. You can then tweet your blog posts by using #hashtags.



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  1. Make sure you add social sharing buttons to your blog. This should be at the beginning and at the end of your post.  The floating share button is also the rage now.


  1. Submit your blog to blog directories and get traffic sent back.


  1. Submit articles to article directories. Article directories are not dead, just make sure it is not a duplicate copy.


  1. Get listed in DMOZ – This can help your blog improve its ranking in Google and the search engines.


  1. Submit your posts to StumbleUpon, always make sure you reciprocate by submitting other people’s posts too.


How To Get Guaranteed Targeted Traffic


  1. Make sure you use tags in your posts.


  1. Answer questions on Quora and use your blog as the source.


  1. Write a post featuring the top influencers in your niche e.g. top ten internet marketing blogs.


  1. Contact bloggers and compile a question and answer session with them. This can be done by email, they may retweet it.


  1. Interview the top bloggers in your niche – they will retweet it and they might even end up linking to it on their blog.



Website traffic


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5 Ways To Get A Flood Of Targeted Visitors


  1. Be the first to cover top news.


  1. Get listed in Google news.


  1. Write a post containing pictures only – A great example is, the top 10 most ugly buildings on earth. (Social bookmarking traffic)


  1. Make video posts. Vlogging is now a great way to go viral.


  1. Write great, awesome headlines. This is a wonderful way to catch your audience’s attention.


  1. Try and review products related to your niche and link them to an Amazon affiliate. Make sure you have links to your blog in the review.


  1. Answer questions on Yahoo answers and use your blog as the source.


Targeted traffic from search engines or social media sites will alternatively mean a greater conversion rate and lower CTR.


Gauranteed Targeted Traffic

Targeted Traffic

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